Thursday, October 23, 2008

On the ground in Portland

It is Thursday morning. We're on the ground in Portland after a very grueling day of travel on Wednesday. Assholes in suits we're everywhere in the airports freaking out over their job security, due to the crash yesterday. Very amusing (tragic and sad to the point of absurdity).
So, yeah, we're starving. There is a place called the Cup & Saucer that we're going to try to check out. The downtown transit is free, so we'll see what happens.

I've e-mailed my new online foodie friend for tips of where to eat RAW cuisine. As of yet, I haven't heard back from her, but we'll see what we can work out with that too. I have a couple leads if she does not get back to me. I also want to go to a farm while I am here, but again I don't know how that is going to work out either. . . no car.

So, I'll try to update later this morning, and also try to post some pictures of our adventures.

And, we're back, we went to breakfast at a place called Mother's. We were seated in the velvet room. There I had the best oat meal I have ever had cooked in cream and served with bananas and pecans. Greg had eggs cooked with strips of tortillas. All of it was very good. So good in fact that we went back the very next morning for salmon hash and more eggs. The coffee was very good coffee, and the staff were great. I would highly recommend to anyone.

1 comment:

Beach Bum said...

Whatcha doing in Portland?

Are you going RAW?

That's getting a lot of hype right now. I admire people who do, but also realize the reality that I'm not meant to be one of least not right now at this stage of my life! Maybe later!