Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fromage Blanc Day 2 & Rose Water Fantasies

Okay, yesterday I didn't get as far as I would have liked. A nap got me side tracked, and then I was sleepy (I had bed fog) all day. The accomplishment of the day was to get to the store for supplies and ingredients. We went to a Kroger's in Mansfield that I swear was a Whole Foods in disguise. I think I made a good hall because I was able to get some staples balsamic vinegar (for my pear salad), red wine for poaching pears (last time I used white wine) and lemons too. I also got a meat thermometer for use here at the farm house. I also got my first silpat for baking. I am going to work diligently to stock the pantry down here, so that these trips to the store are not so labor intensive. Tools are important. I pledge to think about my needs and organizing. Organizing will become an issue when I am trying to cook in a kitchen that construction workers will be tearing down and building up.

So, the goals for today are:

to make the cheese
pick pears (Take some to Home)
cook chicken
purchase peanuts (I forgot them yesterday)

Oh, I almost forgot to talk about rose water. I have been obsessed with rose water for the past several years. I have wanted to make my own, another ambition unrealized. Rose water, along with almonds for example, from what little research I have done were both used as sweeteners during medieval pastries kitchens where sugar was scarce and expensive (more later on why). So, I stopped in to the SoFo's Market in Toledo for lunch and walked past their little baking supply area (seriously it's only 4 shelves) and there was a crystal clear bottle of distilled rose water. Hello! Due to my obsession this ingredient has been on my mental shopping list for some time, but never had it presented itself, so of course I grabbed it. So, this entire weekend I have been trying to think of ways to use it. More on this later.

Okay, we're back. I made the cheese. If you want to jump to the crux of the matter, watch the first video, otherwise please excuse the non-edited segments that if you string them together yourself they will tell a story. Enjoy.

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