Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nana's Signature Veggie Soup

Try Nana’s Veggie Soup for supper after shoveling yourself out . . or paying someone else to do it like I did.

We had a snow day, and all I can think of is veggie soup, But there is only one that will do. No offense mom, but I hated it when you cooked vegetable soup. It made me hate vegetable soup. In fact until I met my husband and subsequently his grandmother, aka Nana, I never new that vegetable soup was actually edible. Nana’s vegetable soup is not the unappetizing red tomato soup menace with green beans that one would normally call to mind.

Nana’s soup is a delicious medley of vegetables, that are not overcooked, all swimming in a broth along with shredded meat, e.g. chicken, beef, or turkey. It is very yummy. Nana has been reading the blog, and she has graciously offered to add to it with her recipes for my favorite vegetable soup along with her famous chili and a few suggestions for dessert. Enjoy!


Start with some Beef ribs with some fat on, cooked.

Add: Chopped potatoes,Chopped cabbage, Chopped turnips, Chopped carrots, Chopped onion, Chopped celery, Corn, Peas, Green Beans, Carrots, and Tomato Juice/water to cook.

Corn, beans, peas and carrots can be frozen, fresh or canned. If canned, ad when soup has cooked a few minutes.

I add garlic, a little soy sauce, salt, pepper, and little sugar.

I also add anything else that I have in the refrigerator that I think would be good. I never have the same recipe twice on this.

Cook all together until Veggies are desired tenderness.


Fry I pound of hamburger and 2 large chopped onions

Add to:

I can kidney beans

I can stewed tomatoes

Some minced garlic.

¼ cup soy sauce

2 T. catsup

1T mustard

Bring all to a boil and simmer for ½ hour.

For dessert:


1 cup sugar 1 c. chopped walnuts 3 sliced bananas

1 egg 1 c. chopped dates 1 large Cool Whip

3 T. flour 1 lg. can chunk pineapple Marochino cherries

1 tsp. baking powder green or red grapes (or both)

Beat sugar and egg together. Add flour and baking Powder. Mix in nuts and dates.

Spread in a 9 x 13 pan. Bake 30 minutes at 325 degrees. Cool. Removed from pan and break into bit size pieces into a serving dish. Cover with sliced bananas, drained pineapple and chopped, drained marochino cherries. Cover with Cool Whip.

Chill at least 2 hours.



2 cups flour

2 T. sugar

1 tsp. baking powder

½ tsp. Salt

2/3 cup milk

2/3 cup shortening Crisco or oleo

Mix and roll in a rectangle ¼ inch thick. Chop enough apples fine, to cover the dough. Rollup s a jelly roll. Cut about 1 inch thick. Pour sauce over .

Bake 350 degrees for I hour.


1 cup brown sugar

1 cup white sugar

2 T. flour

I cup (or more) water

Lump of butter

Bring to a boil.


Beach Bum said...

If Nana makes it, then you know it will be good and she's passed that on to her daughter, her grandsons, and their spouses! I'm just glad that I have connections so I can benefit by all this good old-fashioned home cooking! No one leaves hungry from a any of these family gatherings! Unfortunately, it hasn't rubbed off on me yet...neither has the green thumb! Heather

Anonymous said...

All hail the Nana. Good taste in food -- and politics!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree - Nana is a good cook. She also makes great homemade pies and home canned fresh peaches! I have learned a lot from Nana but some of it, I cannot post! We have been friends for many years and have lots of fun together!